Sie wuchern von dieser ve rra u sc hte n ebe n e a uf d e n ba u m o -lo gisc h e n Zweig d e r Aufklärung zurück, die schmutzige Kind-Greisin ohne die wir nicht können. ĭas prekäre Grenz-regime der gegenwärtigen technobiomacht ist eines der Plateaus auf dem sich die Wellen von Ambient information Systems entfalten, die Grenzgebiete aufwirbeln, sich es in den Poren gemütlich machen: trennt oder verbindet die "Schwelle" räume, gehört das Scharnier zu türblatt oder türstock, in welche richtung schwingt die tür, wer wird rausgeschwungen? "illegitime" Vermischungen stülpen d i e Ka m e ra -Li n s e i n s o h r, wa s ra u s ko m mt i st Kl a n g, d e r buchstäblich unter die Haut gehen kann. the act of censorship distributes one of the texts across the individual copies the obfuscation can be overcome through collective effort. each of the 1,500 copies of this edition is uniquely modified by a censor's hand before entering circulation. this volume elucidates the work of manu Luksch, mukul Patel and collaborators through contextualising essays, artists' writings, documents of projects and curatorial practice, interviews, blogs, recipes, and speculative texts. space, as studio, workshop, event space, and artist residency in Hackney, east London. mirroring its objects, AiS persists as a distributed network while also maintaining a node, ambient.
Several works take as medium and object, regimens and technologies of data accumulation and manipulation, including the disciplining of data by the mycelial security industry.Īlthough these projects grow on an electronic substrate, the interest in regulation extends beyond the digital domain to, for example, the legal status of the image and the language of instruction. Interrogating the socio-and eco-political transformations of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this practice bridges art and activism, and recalls aspects of the 1910s-20s avantgarde and 1960s-70s conceptual and systems art. Under her co-directorship with mukul Patel, it has since developed into a crucible for wider critical, interdisciplinary practice that takes numerous forms -the devising of tools, the creation of frameworks, the instigation of processes. Ambient information Systems (AiS) came into being as an inte rmedia h ub an d we bsite, w w w.ambie, in 1999, emerging out of founding artist-activist manu Luksch's interest in extending the medium of film using the internet.