
Modelio an error has occurred
Modelio an error has occurred

modelio an error has occurred

We aim at contributing to the body of empirical evidence in industrial application of MBT by sharing our industry-academia project on applying MBT in practice, the insights that we have gained, and the challenges and questions that we have faced and tackled so far.


The goal of this experience report (applied research report), done based on “action research”, is to share our experience of applying and evaluating MBT as a software technology (technique and tool) in a real industrial setting. The MBT approach has provided, so far in our project, various tangible and intangible benefits in terms of improved test coverage (number of paths tested), improved test-design practices, and also improved real-fault detection effectiveness. We have chosen, from a set of open-source/commercial MBT tools, an open-source tool named GraphWalker, and have pragmatically used MBT for end-to-end test automation of several large web and mobile applications under test.

modelio an error has occurred

In the context of a software testing company, we have deployed the model-based testing (MBT) approach to take the company’s test automation practices to higher levels of maturity and capability. The studies were successful in that they reached practice impact, research impact and give insight into ways to do innovation transfer and defines a possible strategy for taking automated testing tools into the market. In this paper they report on their experiences obtained when transferring TESTAR in three different industrial contexts with decreasing involvement of the TESTAR developers and increasing participation of the companies when deploying and using TESTAR during testing. In earlier works the authors presented the TESTAR tool, an automated approach to testing applications at the GUI level whose objective is to solve part of the maintenance problem by automatically generating test cases based on a structure that is automatically derived from the GUI. The state of the art in the industry are still capture and replay tools, which may simplify the recording and execution of input sequences, but do not support the tester in finding fault-sensitive test cases and leads to a huge overhead on maintenance of the test cases when the GUI changes. Testing applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) is an important, though challenging and time consuming task.

Modelio an error has occurred